Monday, July 22, 2013

July Letters

So this past week has been very interesting. We visited a lot of people, this one guy whose less active was drunk when we saw him I guess he's drunk every time. but I guess he was better this time, we went inside and his pit bull who I guess gets a kick out of biting people was super nice to us and the guy said we are truly messengers from God because his dog hates everyone but loves us. We had our 4th of July in a park from 10 til 3 handing out pamphlets and cards to people and watched fireworks at the church. yeah Laramie is pretty close well i love you mom.
-Love Elder Call 

The work is going good, a little slow but good.  We have like 3 investigators right now. One of them comes to church because her grandma was LDS and she's old and wants to get baptized, the other is her granddaughter, and the other is a lady who wants to be sealed to her family so they all seem rather promising. When does Nolan come home? 2 yrs does go by fast. I'm a pretty fast learner so yeah I have my area down pretty well. I haven't been to any rodeos yet. well I hope everything is good. Love you guys. Love Elder Call

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