Monday, April 8, 2013

Hit by a car...

Dear Family,

I actually did receive the Easter Package and I really like all the Snickers and Reeses. So something happened on Tuesday... I kinda got hit by a car, it wasn't going very fast since it was just pulling out of a parking lot. So my companion and I were trying to find this lady to do service for and his GPS was taking us on the other side of town. So we stopped and went back and as I was riding on the sidewalk about to cross over the High School Parking lot and teacher who seemed rushed was waiting for the lane to be clear.
I couldn't really tell if he saw me because the windows were really tinted and It looked like he was giving me some clearance.  So I slowed down and continued to pass and he hit me. My bike is pretty dinged up and he said he would pay whatever the cost it is to fix it but it looks like I'm going to have to get a new one. I saw a chiropractor this morning and he fixed me up but he's a member so it was all free. So It wasn't bad,just bruises and sores. I have had LOTS of trouble sleeping though and I got a little sick a few days ago so I've been coughing and sneezing a lot. So that was the Highlight of my week. did enjoy conference especially when Pres. Monson was talking about the little forest fire he started. That was kinda funny. I hope to be getting that package from you guys anyday now. The work is going forth boldly, nobly and independently. We had a couple more people to teach last week and we set a baptism date with someone too. So things are going pretty good, I love being a missionary but I miss my iPod a little and you guysbut mostly my iPod jk haha. Happy Birthday Dad I hope it was a good one. Till Next time... Don't get hit by a car it really doesn't feel good. Talk to you guys later. Love,  Elder Call

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