Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First Area // Cheyenne, Wyoming

Hey mom I did get the cookies and they were good, right now I have my first area in Cheyenne, WY. Its so great out here I'm so excited, My first companion is Elder Jones he's a good guy he's teaching me a lot about missionary life. I'm really happy too because an Elder in my district is here too so I get a familiar face. I'm at someones house right now because i guess in this mission old folks will set up there basement for missionaries to stay so its really nice up here. I will give the address next week because me and my comp are moving tomorrow. I'm so happy I came and I'm so thankful you pushed me into going so early. I will write you back next week. I love you!

P.S. the camera memory is full so I will send that to you in a letter soon. 

I also went and did a service project this morning helping a guy move stuff from his house to his garage. He was like in his sixties and was in a wheelchair. He's not a member but he might come to church on Sunday, so thats really exciting. Well I'm doing my best to serve the Lord and having fun doing it. We are going to go shopping in a bit and get me some food, so that sounds exciting. Hows work? Are the kids doin good?  I'm really happy here. I miss the people at the MTC but overall its not too bad and I'm glad I got a new companion because my MTC companion was crazy! He would take his shoes off in the middle of class and the teacher would tell him to put his shoes back on and then the next day we would have a different teacher and he would do the same thing. the day before we left for the MTC he got a sandwich which was in plastic and unopened but he stomped a whole in the snow and told everyone he was going to keep it refrigerate it and save it for breakfast on the way down the airport, not only that but when we did lessons would walk around and barely contribute. He was sleepwalking one night and he took someones cupcakes and someones pillow and blanket and we found outside our room on the floor sleeping with a half eaten cupcake on the ground and his hand was on the box and when he woke up he was like "how did I get here cause I don't sleepwalk" and tried to tell everyone that me and the other elders in there carried him outside and staged the whole thing. haha CRAZY!!!! But anyways I hope everything is going good. I always pray every night that the Spirit will stay in the home so I love you guys and hope you're all doing great. In a couple weeks me and my comp are supposed to help a farmer in our ward cut off cow genetles so that should be a blast. hope you're all doin good. Miss you guys, Love you so much. I'll write you back next week bye.


  1. If you pray for the Spirit and live for
    the Spirit you will always have His guidance and will be an awesome missionary. We know you will.

  2. Sounds like everything is going well. Glad you set up the blog, it is fun to read the letters.
