Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New email!

I am doing GREAT! We are working with a couple part member families. That’s most of the investigators we have. We have families where the parents are inactive and want to come back to church, so they have us teach their kids. We are working with one guy who lied about his age and joined the navy in WW2 and joined the air force in Korea and Vietnam. He doesn't have many WW2 stories but his Korea stories are cool. About how his plane crashed and he got captured by Koreans and was held prisoner for a year and they tied him to trees and threatened to kill him if he didn't talk but he never did, Now that’s a true soldier. His name is Paul and we are working with him a lot, He says he wants to know as much as he can before getting baptized but we are trying to get him to rely more on the spirit. He's getting somewhere though. He says he read 1 Nephi 3 times in one day because he has a bad memory. I hope you can get some of that stuff to me soon. I need my light rain coat that mom got me too, it tends to snow a lot and my big jacket is a snow magnet. we were walking home from Walmart and by the time we got there I looked like frosty the snowman just a lot less jolly. I love the couple I am with, they are so funny and very generous, Brother and Sister Warby are really really old, but she's really nice and makes me feel like her own grandchild. I assume its cuz nobody really visits them and they aren't very mobile so they have to stay home most of the day. But its nice she talks about how her grandma helped the pioneers. I am doing great and having fun. You should also mail me my Batman beanie in one of the boxes I stowed away. I can wear it on P-days and when I am doing service which we do about ten hours of service a week so we do a lot. Hope you guys are going great and I'm getting my bike today.

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