Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 10th Letter

Dear Mother,
I am doing great here in Cheyenne, WY. We are going to catch crawfish today but i don't think we will be eating them because up here they aren't very good. My condolences to Jason's famil about their loss, is that the Grandpa Muelleck or his Moms dad? We actually had an investigator die this passed week from a heart attack. He wasin his sixties but its still sad because we don't have very many investigators. So we lost 3 investigators this passed week. One died, another dropped us and one moved to another ward so we aren't having a ton of luck. I'm kind of burnt out being with Elder Jones. He's just kind of picky about who we teach because there are people we could teach but he doesn't see any potential when we really haven't even tried. I am actually starting to feel fortunate that I went and got a job in Logan because Jones has never had to work for anything.So I don't know he's still hoping he stays next transfer but I'm thinking otherwise. We just don't get as much done as I want to and I talk to him about it and he says we gotta try harder but I don't see very much effort on his part. SLC sounds like fun, I wish I could go but I have my place here. Carlsbad sounds like fun too, I miss swimming SOOOO MUCH! I never thought I would actually miss being in a pool or being out in the ocean. It's getting hott here, at the end of july we are having Frontier Days. Its the Worlds Biggest Rodeo, so in mid July it'll PACKED. And I've been told that most people will be Drunk off their skynards as they say. We might actually get a chance to participate in the parade here. We helped with the Horses again this week and helped with a couple of the Therapy patients like this one kid Trevor, well he's like 31 but he looks like a kid, he has Fetal Alcohol syndrom and so he can understand everything he hears he just can't communicate veyr well. So we helped him learn these neat drills with matching these colored rings with the colored barrels. We as Missionaries just had to made sure he doesn't fall off the Horse, I think Julia would really like it here because when you volunteer at the Horse place you just help with the patients and you can ride, feed and groom the horses and thats what the girls do all day. We are actually required to do 10 hrs of service per week, So I'm gonna need an extra pair of Jeans. The black ones that I put in my cedar chest. If you could mail that too me along with my camera that would be awesome. Because the family we are living with is really stricting about how much water we use so I can wash my jeans more then once a week and I think I'm starting to grow out of them. We went to do service at this families house and they made us pancakes for lunch and I had 16 Man was I fuoll and they were excellent pancakes. If they were chocolate chip though I probably would've eaten the whole batch. And Jones is not going home for anothere 15 Months. oh Jones also got stepped on by a horse and he was freaking out because he thought he broke his foot. Well thats all I got! Have fun is Carlsbad. Love you guys. Elder Call